Walking with Heaven Ministries



Walking with Heaven Ministries has one purpose: To bring the body of Jesus Christ into all we were created to be in Him! In other words, that "the Lamb Who was slain receive the reward of His suffering", which is the victory of His Bride, His Beloved, His church, equipping the saints for the ministry of the kingdom of God.

We do this through prayers of deliverance and inner-healing that break the power of our enemy and bring new life and joy through truths brought to the person receiving ministry through real-time encounters with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Our enemy walks the earth seeking who he may devour, and he is active stealing, killing and destroying our lives, our dreams, our peace and our hope. Walking With Heaven Ministries is here to stand in the gap, being a bridge to the life Jesus died to purchase for us.

We teach, train and bring FREEDOM, VICTORY, POWER and LOVE to each believer, who has given their life to the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, but who still struggle to live out the life and joy and power that was purchased on the cross by the precious blood of Jesus.

WWHM is founded and led by Dr. Vanessa Janusz, DCC.

Dr. Vanessa Janusz, DCC, received her Doctorate of Christian Counseling through Christian Leadership University and is working to bring:

WHOLENESS and POWER through soul-healing,
COMPLETE FREEDOM through deliverance, and
Victory and royal identity to the beloved of Jesus Christ.

Dr. Janusz has also graduated seminary with the Association of Vineyard Churches. She has worked with missions and home-missions churches and organizations, ministries to the poor and street ministries most of her life as well as serving churches everywhere she has lived as lay-leader over various ministries and on various ministry boards of directors. Her life experience has brought her to be a functioning part of Baptist, Nazarene, Assembly of God, Vineyard and various non-denominational churches, where she has served, worshiped, led, studied and learned for almost fifty years.

Vanessa gave her heart to Jesus as a young girl and was taught by her Christian parents to "follow hard after Christ" all of her life. She and her husband, Walter, are current residents of New York, USA and they are currently helping plant a church, as she has also done in the past. Dr. Janusz has earned various certificates of spiritual training through the years, including the Practitioner’s Certificate from Global Awakening for power ministry prayers for physical healing, inner-healing and deliverance as well as many business-related certifications and honors.

Having spent her life following Jesus, Vanessa has learned that keeping your eyes on Jesus is the only way to live a life of freedom. So, now walking in victory, freedom and joy, she spends her time and her effort helping others find that freedom, power and grace which she has learned to live in, without fear, in the joy of Jesus.

Contact Me: Email Dr. Vanessa Janusz, DCC